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Mathematical Foundations of Monte Carlo Methods 1


Random Variables and Probability

随机变量(random variable):A random variable is not a fixed value, but a function, mapping or associating a unique numerical value to each possible outcome of a random process which is not necessarily a number.


采样空间(sample space):A sample space defines the set of all possible outcomes from an experiment.

采样空间可以用于定义基本事件非基本事件。假定你现在有10张牌,3张为0,5张为1,2张为2。那么采样的非基本事件的采样空间就为S={0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,2,2}S = \{0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2 \},而基本事件的采样空间就为S={0,1,2}S = \{ 0, 1, 2 \}

名词 释义
Random Variable A random variable is a function X defined from a sample space S to a measurable space (1, 0). Random variables are denoted with upper case letters.
Probability A probability provides a quantatative description of the likely occurrence of a particular event.
Observation or Realization A realization, or observed value, of a random variable is the value that is actually observed.
Event An event is any collection of outcomes of an experiment. Any subset of the sample space is an event.
Sample Space Exhaustive list of all the possible outcomes of an experiment. Each possible result of such experiment is represented by one and only one point in the sample space, which is usually denoted by SS. The elements of the sample space can be thought of as all the different possibilities that could happen.

Probability Distrubution

伯努利分布(Bernoulli trail):In probability theory when a random process has only two outcomes.

二项分布(Binomial Distribution):We want to find the probability that S=nS=n, where nNn\le N, which is the probability that nn of the NN samples take on the value of 1, and NnN-n samples take on the value of 0:

Pr(S=n)=CnNpk(1p)(Nn)Pr(S=n)=C^N_n p^k (1-p)^{(N-n)}

for n = 0, 1, 2, …, N, where:


更多的概率分布函数,比如均匀分布,泊松分布等等可以在这里找到List of probability distributions.

Probablity Properties

枚举事件(Collectively exhaustive events):A set of events is said to be jointly or collectively exhaustive if at least one of the event must occur.

互斥事件(Mutually exclusive events):Two sets A and B are said to be mutually exclusive or disjoint if A and B have no elements in common.


独立事件(Independent event):When you toss a coin the probability of getting heads or tails is 12\frac{1}{2} as we know it, but if you toss the coin a second time, the probability of getting either heads or tails is still 12\frac{1}{2}. In other words, the first toss did not change the outcome of the second toss or to say it differently again, the chances of getting heads or tails on the second toss are completely independent of whether or not we got “tails” or “heads” in the first toss.

独立事件有别于前两者,只是表示每一次事件的发生不会因为上一次事件的发生而影响其发生概率。独立事件之间可以遵循乘法规则,也就是Pr(AB)=Pr(A)Pr(B)Pr(A \cap B) = Pr(A)Pr(B).

Introduction to Statistics

统计学(Statistics):The goal of statistics is to provide information on random variables and probability distributions we don’t know anything about in the first place.

有偏(Bias):By “randomly” we mean that the process by which we select elements in the population, doesn’t give more importance to some elements than others. If it was the case we would introduce what we call bias in the calculation of this estimate.


采样/统计(Sample or Statistics):Our random variable really is some sort of “sampler”, it’s a tool or a function on the population, that we can use to collect data on that population, and the collected data makes up what we call the observations and the group of observations itself is what we call a sample or statistics.

Expected Value

期望(Expected Value):The mean and the expected value are equal however the mean is a simple average of numbers not weighted by anything, while the expected value is a sum of numbers weighted by their probability:

E=i=1NpixiE = \sum^N_{i=1}p_ix_i


样本均值(Sample mean):the mean of a collection of observations produced by a random variable X, is called a sample mean:

Xˉn=1n(X1+X2+X3+...+Xn)\bar{X}_n = \frac{1}{n}(X_1+X_2+X_3+…+X_n)

独立同分布(Independent and Identically Distributed,i.i.d):Where X1,X2,...X_1,X_2, … is a sequence of random variables which have the property to be independent and identically distributed.


ω\omega为随机变量采样空间中的一个采样结果时,可以这样表述x=X(ω)x=X(\omega)。 所以以下方式可以Xˉ=1n(x1+x2+...+xn)\bar{X}=\frac{1}{n}(x_1+x_2+…+x_n)也可以改写为 Xˉ=1n(X1(ω)+X2(ω)+...+Xn(ω)\bar{X}=\frac{1}{n} (X_1(\omega)+X_2(\omega)+…+X_n(\omega)。上述X1,X2,... X_1,X_2, … 可以作为随机变量XX的一个实例来看待。

独立(Independent):Imagine that this coin lands on heads with probability 2/3, and tails with probability 1/3. If we flip the coin twice, the outcome of the first coin flip will not the change the outcome of the second.

同分布(Identically Distributed):When the coin was flipped the first time, the probability of either getting heads or tail was 2/3, and 1/3 respectively. When the coin is flipped the second time, the probability of actually getting either heads or tails is still 2/3, and 1/3. The probability that you get either heads or tails after the first flip doesn’t change.

大数定理(Law of Large Nunbers, LLN):The idea that the sample mean converges in value and probability to the expected value as the sample size increases.

大数定理实例解读: … If you toss a coin 10 times, what is the probability that you get 5 heads? This can actually be computed analytically using the binomial distribution:

(105)(12)5(112)5=0.2461. \left( \begin{array}{cr} 10 \ 5 \end{array} \right) \left( { 1 \over 2 }\right)^5 \left(1 - {1\over 2}\right)^5 = 0.2461.

But if you now consider 100 trials, the probability becomes:

(10050)(12)50(112)50=0.0796.\left( \begin{array}{cr} 100 \ 50 \end{array} \right) \left( { 1 \over 2 }\right)^{50} \left(1 - {1\over 2}\right)^{50} = 0.0796.

The higher the number of trials, the smaller the probability of getting exactly N/2 number of heads. … however as mentioned before, interestingly the probability to get exactly N/2 heads gets smaller.Let’s for example calculate the probability that we can any number of heads between 40 and 60 for 100 trials:

Pr(40X60)=i=4060C100i(12)i(112)100i=0.9648.Pr(40 \leq X \leq 60) = \sum_{i=40}^{60} C^i_{100} \left( \dfrac{1}{2} \right)^i \left( 1 - \dfrac{1}{2} \right)^{100 -i} = 0.9648.

However, if we compute the probability of getting any number of heads in the interval [4,6] for 10 trials, then we get:

Pr(4X6)=i=46C10i(12)i(112)10i=0.6563.Pr(4 \leq X \leq 6) = \sum_{i=4}^{6} C^i_{10} \left( \dfrac{1}{2} \right)^i \left( 1 - \dfrac{1}{2} \right)^{10 -i} = 0.6563.

Clearly, the probability of getting close to 1/2 increases as the number of trials increases.


但倘若取采样间隔[40,60][40, 60]以及[4,6][4, 6]就可以明显发现,在采样频率更高的前提下,最终的概率会越来越趋近于12\frac{1}{2}附近。

对比连续型随机变量,事实上当采样频率趋于无穷大ff \to \infty,连续性随机变量概率函数PDF(x)=0PDF(x) = 0(事实上其概率密度函数的定义就是PDF(a<x<b)=abf(x)dxPDF(a<x<b) = \int^b_a f(x)dx,这也被记为Xf(x)X \sim f(x)),所以当离散型随机变量的采样频率不断增加,也就是大数定理反应的,其单一事件发生的概率也会不断趋近于0。

结论(Conclusion):the sample mean Xˉ\bar{X} of a random sample always converge in probability to the population mean μ\mu of the population from which the random sample was taken … If we know the distribution of the random variable we can compute the expected value directly

E[X]=i=1pixi=ωSX(ω)p(ω).E[X] = \sum_{i=1} p_i x_i \rightarrow = \sum_{\omega \in S} X(\omega) p(\omega).

事实上当写下E[X1]E[X_1]的时候,此时X1X_1只是随机变量的一个取值,他可以是任何值,但是其期望E[X1]E[X_1]是固定的,这对随机变量的所有取值而言都一样E[X1]=E[X2]=E[X3]...=E[Xn]E[X_1] = E[X_2] = E[X_3]… = E[X_n]。原因很简单,因为这些随机变量的取值都共有一个概率密度函数。

Properties of Expectations

  1. Y=aX+bY = aX + b, 那么E[Y]=aE[X]+bE[Y] = aE[X] + b。考虑一下当抛掷的色子的号码同时增加b的时候,那么期望值也会随之增加b。

E[aX] &=& \sum_i a x_i P(X = x_i) \\
&=&a \sum_i x_i P(X = x_i)\

  1. 随机变量和的期望等价于每个随机变量期望的和

E[X1+Xn]=E[X1]++E[Xn]E[X_1 + \text{…} X_n] = E[X_1] + \text{…} + E[X_n]


E[X + Y] &=&\sum_i \sum_j (x_i + y_j) Pr(X = x_i, Y = y_i) \\
& = & \sum_i \sum_j x_i Pr(X = x_i, Y = y_i) + \sum_i \sum_j y_j Pr(X = x_i, Y = y_i) \
& = & \sum_j y_j Pr(Y = y_j) + \sum_i x_i Pr(X = x_i) \\
&=&E[Y] + E[X].


jPr(X=xi,Y=yj)=Pr(X=xi),\sum_j Pr(X = x_i, Y = y_j) = Pr(X = x_i),

iPr(X=xi,Y=yj)=Pr(Y=yj).\sum_i Pr(X = x_i, Y = y_j) = Pr(Y = y_j).


\sum_j Pr(X = x_i, Y = y_j) & = & \sum_j Pr(X = x_i) Pr(Y = y_j) \\
& = & Pr(X = x_i) \sum_j Pr(Y = y_j) \\
& = & Pr(X = x_i)
1 \\
& = & Pr(X = x_i)

这里Pr(X=xi,Y=yj)Pr(X = x_i, Y = y_j)就是代表当XXYY同时发生的概率,可以使用乘法守则来解决